Good evening! The pictures were taken near Yuma in the produce field area. This is an iceberg lettuce field with the cutting machine and boxing. The yellow flowers are what a lot of the road sides and into the desert looks like now. I hope the cactus will bloom before we go.
It was cooler today. Jackets worn this evening. We went to Quartzsite this afternoon. Mel wanted to get some more Bolo tie ropes before the store closed. Not many vendors there anymore. Stopped at the grocery store to get some ice cream. I have heard so much about a date shake and how good they are. We haven't found anyplace that makes them so I will try making one myself. Got the dates at a roadside stand on the way home from Yuma. Will try it tomorrow.
So many campers heading home. The roads are full. Our park has a lot of empty spots.
Tonight I went to a concert at the Club House in our park. The Engell Family.
Here is their website. They have some samples of their music. ..I sure enjoyed their music. Mel and Molly stayed home. I guess Molly was pouting all the while I was gone. What a baby!! :-)
Good night & God Bless
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